Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sciatic nerve pain Cause and Treatment

Sciatic nerve pain or sciatica


Sciatic nerve pain can make everyday activities like walking, sitting and standing difficult. Sciatic nerve pain is a periodic severe pain occurs in the legs, through your spine and goes into the glut (butt muscles) and even into the legs. Sciatica is the secondary process creates sciatica> Pain. It is for a patient with chronic low back pain (CBP) to sciatic nerve resulting in sciatica pain develop. Fortunately, with proper care, sciatica is rare.

The extreme symptoms of chronic back pain (CBP) results of patient attitudes and attitude change to accommodate seat and foot patterns, the pain they experience. Over time, the behavioral changes necessary for the patient notOften result in pain, sciatica pain. The compression or "pinching" of the sciatic nerve because of these changes can to inflame the nerves leading to muscle compression.

Sciatica is an inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which originates in the lower back, and your journey back to her hips into the back of the legs and extends to the lower leg. You have two sciatic nerves, one leg in each. Sciatica can be painful,with numbness and tingling in the buttock and hamstring area. Untreated atrophy, muscle weakness and start experiencing.


The sciatica pain slowly starts necessitated by the lifestyle created by the pain of the CPB. It is a longer onset of symptoms culminating in the secondary diagnosis of "sciatica" or "sciatica." The treatment is aimed at maximizing mobility and independence. The treatment will in no less than 50% of all ConservativeCases, sciatica is significantly diminish or disappear within a month with supportive treatment and proper stretching. Sciatic nerve pain relief was found with moist heat in combination with stretching exercises such as hip swings (face down, heels together, hips as flat as you swing your legs back and forth, stretching to) the muscles.

The use of interferential therapy in combination with moist heat prior to the start of the exercises cangreat benefit to the patient and the interferential therapy may be a long-term transmission of pain relief after day. Immediately after the interference treatment, it is important to keep moving, not too fast, but moving. If you sit too long at a time, your muscles tighten much quicker. If you've ever noticed that your pain is worse in the morning after sleeping all night, then you can see how you get up and move, then you are able, with less pain, which helps movealleviate the pain. That is why the move is an important treatment option for sciatica. During an exercise or movement, such as walking, the interference mode should be switched to), TNS (transcutaneous nerve stimulation and worn during sports activities.