If we understand what sciatica is the case, we begin to understand why so acupuncture is effective in the treatment. As you may know, is a symptom of sciatica due to pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing pain on the side or back of the legs as far down as the calf causes or even ankles. This pressure usually comes from a combination of several factors:
1.) spasms of various muscles, which runs the sciatic nerve by holding down the nerve (in particularPiriformis). There are also muscle cramps in the vicinity of the spine and increase the pressure caused by a curved plate.
2). Inflammation causes more pressure and irritation of the sciatic nerve.
3.) A herniated disk, degenerative joint disease, or other problems with the structure of the spine, the pressure on the nerves that come together to form the sciatic nerve.
Acupuncture is effective in addressing the first two causes of sciatica.But even when a herniated disk is involved, acupuncture can alleviate the secondary inflammation and muscle spasms, and the pressure can be sufficiently reduced in general, to completely relieve the pain.
A bulging disc pressing on the nerve makes the nerves more sensitive. When these nerves get more pressure from tight muscles, it is created, the pain of sciatica. The muscle tension is like the "straw that breaks the camel's back". Thus, while acupuncture can not reverse a bucklingDisc, they can reduce the pain and escalate especially the spasmodic muscles, the pressure on the nerves and create pain in the first place.
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